Anxiety and Depression

Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.

Gender? Race? Upbringing? Socio-economic background?

Anxiety and depression don’t discriminate.

These mental health conditions can impact anyone – at any time in life – in any setting.

And their effects can be devastating.


Every. Little. Thing.

It nags at you – that feeling of restless tension- that menacing pang of your nerves.

At night, as you try to sleep, and often throughout the day, you find yourself trembling, sweating, breathing fast, on the verge of hyperventilation.

The worry haunts your dreams, disrupts your sleep – your heart is pounding from your chest – you can’t keep this up. You’re already constantly exhausted and struggling to maintain your focus – even on the smallest thing.


Everywhere. Is. Nowhere.

It doesn’t matter where you are. It’s all the same. It’s all someplace you’d rather not be.

Oppressed by the looming clouds of sadness and apathy, you sometimes long to disappear.

Your relationships are suffering – you’re lethargic, disinterested, distracted, irritable, and angry. You have a love/hate thing with sleep, but your bed is your most frequent abode – you spend an awful lot of time there.

Nothing seems to work right. You have the same thing going with your scale, too. It’s gathering dust in the closet because none of your clothes fit right anymore.

Your self-esteem isn’t doing you any favors, either. You spend your time feeling guilty or worthless, ruminating on past failures. You’ve had frequent thoughts of death and may have actually attempted suicide.

You’ve lost your joy.

Arrest the thieves.

Anxiety and depression can rob you of your clarity of mind, joy, hopes, and dreams. But you don’t have to let them.

With various treatment options, including psychotherapy, you can retake control of your life.

Psychotherapy can help you voice and process your thoughts and feelings with a trained professional who can offer validation, support, and education.

With someone who can help you manage your anxiety and/or depression – so you can live a more fulfilling life.

Realize your hopes and dreams.

Reach out today at (314) 648-8605 for your free 20-minute consultation. Let me show you how you can rediscover your passion, verve, and zest for life and how you can wake up each day feeling energized and confident for what lies in store.

Because you deserve it.