Life Transitions

It’s inevitable.

Things change.

They’ve been changing since more than 2500 years ago when Heraclitus first said that, and they’re still changing.

New job. New baby. New house. New town.

The beginning or end of a relationship, graduations from day school to grad school, traumatic injury or health condition, the death of a loved one, or any number of other things – all part of this adventure we call life.

Unfortunately, inevitably doesn’t always equal easy.

As great as some of these changes can be, they all still come with their own set of challenges, as transitions require something more or different from you than the demands of your previous life.

And they can all still have a tremendous impact on your mental health.

More often than not, there’s no instruction booklet, no checklist, no roadmap – so, how are you supposed to handle everything?

But you don’t have to figure it all out alone.

With therapy or coaching services, you get someone to walk with you as you navigate your transformation.

Together, we’ll face your challenges head-on, so you can gain a better understanding of precisely what you’re facing and how you’re feeling about it.

You’ll also develop the tools and techniques you need to better manage and pivot with the changes.

Let’s face it and embrace it – together.

Reach out to me today at (314) 648-8605.

Whatever you’re going through, wherever you are, I’ll meet you there – and we’ll travel the road together.

Heraclitus was right. You can’t escape change.

But you can learn not only to cope, but to see the transition as an opportunity to evolve, expand, and flourish!