
Is the timing right?

You keep telling yourself that you need to begin therapy, but you’re just not sure.

You keep thinking about time – getting time off to get to your session, struggling through traffic, praying you’ll make it on time.

Is now the right time to be doing this?

The answer is, “Yes!” The answer is, “There is no wrong time to begin your journey toward the life you want to live.”

Here at TJM Counseling and Consultation, we make it easy for you by making all services available via telehealth.

With telehealth, you can have your session anytime you like, without worrying about anything that would keep you from an in-person session.

And with telehealth, you get to do it all in the comfort of your own home, your favorite chair (or couch or outdoor patio), in your favorite sweats (or whatever you like), with your favorite beverage.

What could be better?

Sounds great. How does it work, exactly?

With telehealth, I recommend you try to log in five to ten minutes before your session to make sure you’re all set and ready to go.

When you enter the room, our 45- to 55-minute session will begin. First, I’ll greet you and ask how your day has been.

After that, I’ll ask how things have been going for you since our last session together. As we all know, life continues to happen.

Even after we decide to seek therapy, there will be times that whatever is going on that day or week will need to be addressed during the therapy session. It’s okay if that happens – it allows us to focus on what’s going on and practice self-awareness, coping, problem-solving, and many other skills.

As the session comes to a close, we’ll summarize what we talked about during the session and, from there, schedule your next session.

Now that you know what to expect…

There’s actually no better time to start, is there?

Contact TJM Counseling and Consultation today at (314) 648-8605 – let’s talk about how teletherapy can help you start moving in the direction of your dreams.